Design Innovation

The Future Of Breakfast

Exhibited in ‘100 Years of Kelloggs’ event
“As a result of the pandemic, family and work time have taken a shift to a blended state. Spending more time as a family creates different family time habits. The core values of Kellogg’s are rooted in providing quality, in every aspect, for families everywhere. With emerging trends like snacking and family screen time and eating cereal outside of breakfast becoming a macrotrend, we could about to see a digital change in cereal.

We have witnessed the start of the Alpha Generation, who will be immersed in technology their entire lives, the youngest turning 7 years old in 2032.

The home life experience could be very different in ten years time. Through the use of nostalgic branding, augmented reality and the increasing demand for family friendly technology the future could begin to look more virtual. In 2032, we could be simply ‘projecting’ classic flavours onto our cereal ‘shapes’.” (2022)

All research and insights for design choices can be found in the project report PDF. (here)